Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet Paul, the Happiest Little Lumberjack You'll Ever Meet.

It's almost 2 in the morning and I just finished coloring this picture I drew a forever ago. As you can tell by the title of this post, this is Paul, he is in fact a lumberjack and he is indeed quite happy. I can't remember why I drew this, I think it was during a team meeting that I thought was really boring and a I believe there was a conversation about how manly lumberjacks were prior to said meeting, something like that. Anyway what I've learned from this coloring experience is that I need a better computer program than Microsoft Paint to do my digital art, just because it takes forever and it often makes the finish project look rough. One of the things on my to-do list once I've secured a job, (one that hopefully does not involve lumberjacking) is to save enough money to get myself a Macbook. (I need a nice computer of my own and I know from first hand experience how smoothly those bad boys run photoshop.)

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