Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas 2010: Year of the Sketchbooks

This Christmas the popular gift for people to get me was sketch books, lots and lots of sketch books. (Mind you this is something I am more than happy to get in bulk because I'll certainly use them all, and it was something I asked for.) I think I got like 8 things of the sketching variety total. That's three sketch books (from my Dad & Stepmom, Grandma, and my team leader.) A sketch pad, also from my Dad and Step Mom, A pad of paper specifically designated for comics and sequential art from my Mother. I also got a pack of these blank artist's trading cards from my mom so I'm excited to work on those. I'm currently using one of the journals as a sketch journal (which I've been really bad about keeping up with.) I got other things for Christmas too, like Beer, Animal Crossing for the Wii, Inception on DVD, a couple volumes of Gin Tama and the entire series of American Virgin TPBs. Perhapse American Virgin was an awkward gift to recieve from my Dad and Stepmom but meh no regrets.

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